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How to blacklist drivers

My main goal is to disable nvidia driver from loading on linux

Identify drivers to disable

In my case its nvida

lsmod | grep nvidia


i2c_nvidia_gpu         12288  0

i2c_nvidia_gpu module is loaded, which is a support module related to power management for NVIDIA GPUs. We can blacklist this module along with any other NVIDIA-related drivers to fully disable the discrete GPU.

Step 1: Blacklist i2c_nvidia_gpu and Other NVIDIA Modules

Create or modify a blacklist configuration file: Open or create the blacklist file:

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia.conf

Add the following lines to blacklist the i2c_nvidia_gpu module and any other related modules that might load later:

    blacklist i2c_nvidia_gpu
    blacklist nvidia
    blacklist nvidia_modeset
    blacklist nvidia_uvm
    blacklist nvidia_drm
Save the file and exit.

Step 2: Regenerate Initramfs

After blacklisting, regenerate the initramfs to apply the changes at boot:

sudo mkinitcpio -P

Step 3: Reboot and Verify

Reboot your system:

sudo reboot

After rebooting, run the following command to verify that the i2c_nvidia_gpu and other NVIDIA modules are not loaded:

lsmod | grep nvidia

If nothing appears, the NVIDIA GPU should now be disabled.