Recently Updated Pages
Research and brainstorming for Crafting / Material Systems
Videos I used to learn more - Why most crafting sucks? Why is it so easy to break video game econ...
Level Info
location: all files in the directory cfg/levels/... contains multiple <level> tags on base <leve...
Planet Info
location cfg/planets.xml contains multiple <planet> tags on base <planet> Planet.xml Attributes ...
Creating new Obstacles
Obstacles are objects in the game which can be shot at by the ship by typing a word mentioned on ...
Crash Course (Basics) Control Nodes Coroutines, Await and Yield in GDScript
adb shell svc usb setFunctions mtp enable mtp quest2
OUTDATED Flow Diagrams
Code Convention
Main shouldnt have many changes on branches Script of the root node of the scene is the responsi...
Setup/Build Guide
Setup Guides Setup ssh Run ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/ add text below in ~/.ssh/config (if ...
UI Elements that could be added in the future
Overheat meter in playscreens. Daily login reward chest in the main screen. Daily quest icon. Ic...
Existing UI elements that need work on
Assets that need visuals to be improved on - Planets - Each planet could have 5 rings each of w...
Product Sheet
Title Typestroid - An Integalactic Space Adventure Description of the project Abstract - A space ...
Future Ideas
Swipe keyboard localization Additional features that could make the game progression a bit more i...
List and Playtesting Research for Similar Games
More serious games Epistory (Fishing Cactus) Nanotale (Fishing Cactus) Outshine (Fishing Cactus) ...
~/.config/i3/config # move workspace to monitor bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x move workspace to output righ...
Code OSS
useful alias echo "alias restartkde='kquitapp5 plasmashell & kstart5 plasmashell &'" | sudo tee -...
Level Design Planning
Overview of levels here All asteroids spawn outside the screen while moons being stationary spawn...
How to stop pacman from updating a specific package.
Acronyms used in Sheets
A = Absent in Level. P = Present in Level. AL = Terrestrial Asteroid Letter Length for that level...