Style Reference boards
Possible style 1 -
Features -
Vibrant. Slight glow. No dark outlines. Vector image aesthetic with some shading. Untextured for the most part. Stock image art vibe.
Possible style 2 (Flat Style 1) -
Features -
Pastel and watercolour vibe. No glow. No dark outlines. Not typical vector image aesthetic. Paper textured.
Possible style 3 (Flat Style 2) -
Features -
Bright but flat colours. No glow. No halo. No shadow. Untextured. Blob like highlights and shadows.
Possible Style 4 -
Features -
Bright and haloed appearance. Neon like glow. Subtle rings for planets. Heavy use of gradients and subtle linework patterns.
Possible style 5 (Detailed Style 1) -
Features -
More realistic lighting. Detailed. Vector images wouldn't be possible for this style.
Possible style 6 (Detailed Style 2) -
Features -
Less realistic but equally detailed with features. Raster images for this too.
Possible style 7 (Pixel Art 1) -
Features -
Detailed pixel art.
Possible style 8 (Pixel Art 2) -
Features -
Less detailed pixel art.
Styles for the Settings Panel -
- style
Characteristics -
Defined metallic borders.
Shiny, shaded content for the icons.
- style
Characteristics -
No harsh or dark borders.
Negative space is used for icons.
Lighter colours.
- style
Characteristics -
Monochrome and minimalist.
- style
Characteristics -
Bold and minimal colours but no shading.
- style
Characteristics -
Colourful, vibrant and shiny.
Possible style 6.
Characteristics -
Colourful, vibrant and matte.