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20 total results found


Game Design

Typestroid Game Design Big Picture MMORPG Shoot asteroid by typing words Base building Team based gameplay Core Game Idea A casual multiplayer game (like Minecraft) where players login, shoot down asteroids to mine resources, then use those resources to bui...

Class Diagrams

Application Design Software Design Documents

How to create a new ____ ?

Technical Knowledge Client

}List of elements in the app which might be needed to be added more of later on, write here only if there are few steps, else create a new page for it. Auth method create a new script in src\core\auth and create an object with AuthMethod type inside AuthMetho...

vvvv WIP vvvv

Technical Knowledge Client

Local Supabase Server

Technical Knowledge Supabase

Why? When working on a feature branch, we can't change the schema of staging/dev db as others testing or working on other branches might face conflicts. To avoid this issue, when working on a feature branch which requires changing schema of the db, local db se...

Good Practices

Technical Knowledge Client

For states, if the component needs to update other child component on re renders, use zustand else use useState where there are expo component available don't use react native ones

Meeting Outcomes

Application Design

31/3/24 Meeting outcomes how should we maintain special namaz timings? (jummah/multiple jamath for jummah/eid/janaza) there will be two types of masjid where masjid enters namaz timings preemptively that way, we will have data of namaz for months down t...

Setup/Build Guide

Technical Docs

Setup Guides Setup ssh Run ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/ add text below in ~/.ssh/config (if file doesn't exist create one) Host HostName PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ run cat ~/.ssh/github...

OUTDATED Flow Diagrams

Technical Docs Archieved

Code Convention

Technical Docs

Main shouldnt have many changes on branches Script of the root node of the scene is the responsible to mange its children, these children should never be referenced directly (using $ or get_node) in other scripts. Signals should be used for things where emite...



Services: Overseerr - Catalogue of movies and tshows to watch Plex - Video Streaming service Bitwarden - Password and Keystore Manager Bookstack - Writing and Maintaining Documentation Nextcloud - Cloud storage AudioBookShelf - Audiobook Streaming Admin: Sona...


Learning Resources

Crash Course (Basics) Control Nodes Coroutines, Await and Yield in GDScript



useful alias echo "alias restartkde='kquitapp5 plasmashell & kstart5 plasmashell &'" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/cachyos-fish-config/

Future Ideas

Game Design High-Level Game Design

Swipe keyboard localization Additional features that could make the game progression a bit more interesting - Each planet could have the theme of a certain language (English/Dutch/German/Spanish/French/etc.). The initial few planets could be just English but...



Code OSS



~/.config/i3/config # move workspace to monitor bindsym $mod+Ctrl+x move workspace to output right bindsym $mod+Ctrl+z move workspace to output left # next previous workspace bindsym $alt+z workspace prev_on_output bindsym $alt+x workspace next_on_output # m...

Planet Info

Technical Docs Configurations

location cfg/planets.xml contains multiple <planet> tags on base <planet> Planet.xml Attributes id: The unique identifier for the planet. This is an integer that tells about each planet. starsNeeded: The number of stars required to unlock this planet. name: T...

Creating new Obstacles

Technical Docs

Obstacles are objects in the game which can be shot at by the ship by typing a word mentioned on them. You can create new obstacles by following steps This Document shows steps to create the boilerplate for a new obstacle. Config Create a new script for the o...



adb shell svc usb setFunctions mtp enable mtp quest2



Professional Seafight Made by: Bigpoint GmbH Seafight is the original real-time pirate combat MMO where players customize their ships to explore the seas as well as hunt other players and participate in giant sea battles. Made using Unity with Java backend, C+...