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Level design for first 10 levels (18th November)

Level 1

Easiest level.

Warmup phase (first 30-60 seconds have "Moons" spawning). 2-3 letter words for the moons. Moons are the "terrestrial" type. So they have no special effects when destroyed. After this phase "terrestrial" type asteroids spawn in. 1-2 letter words. Slow moving. (20-30 seconds barrage phase). After this the level is completed and the player is awarded with a "Gravel" type material which gets added to their resource inventory. Note - we can decide what to do with resources and materials given to players later on. Most likely useage would be for players to craft items or upgrades when not in a match.

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10