Level design for first 10 levels (18th November)
Level 1
Easiest level.
Warmup phase (first 30-60 seconds have "Moons" spawning). 2-3 letter words for the moons. Moons are the "terrestrial" type. So they have no special effects when destroyed.
After this phase "terrestrial" type asteroids spawn in. 1-2 letter words. Slow moving. (20-30 seconds barrage phase).
Note - we can decide what to do with resources and materials given to players later on. Most likely useage would be for players to craft items or upgrades when not in a match.
After this the level is completed and the player is awarded with a "Gravel" type material which gets added to their resource inventory.
Base mechanic of typing to shoot obstacles is introduced in this level.
Level 2
Warmup phase (first 20-40 seconds have "Moons" spawning). 2-3 letter words for the moons. Moons are the "terrestrial" type. So they have no special effects when destroyed.
After this phase "terrestrial" type asteroids spawn in. 1-2 letter words. Slow moving but in multiple groups. (30-40 seconds barrage phase). "Moons : Vulcanian" type spawn and players can shoot them to clear all asteroids on screen at the same time.
New material collectible introduced in this level - "Magma"
New mechanic for this level - "Moon : Vulcanian"
Level 3
Warmup phase (30-60 seconds). Terrestrial asteroids with 2-3 letters.
Slower than the previous level where players had to use "Vulcanian" Moons to win (and learn mechanic).
After 30 seconds "Cryogenic" Moons start spawning as the number of asteroids increase. Players can destroy these whenever there are too many asteroids on screen at the same time.
New material collectible introduced in this level - "Ice"
New mechanic for this level - "Moon : Cryogenic"
Level 4
Level is a bit longer than the previous one (90-100 seconds).
Asteroids are a bit faster.
Both "Cryogenic" (CM) and "Vulcanic" (VM) spawn.
Players can choose which moon they want to attack to destroy.
VM - More powerful since it destroys all asteroids on screen but the number of letters to destroy it is 6 in this level.
CM - weaker since it just slows down asteroids on screen but the number of letters to destroy it is 2 in this level.
If players destroy a VM when a CM is also on screen it neutralises the ice of this moon and makes it a neutralised terrestrial moon. Neutralised terrestrial moons are just as useless as normal terrestrial moons in terms of gameplay but destroying them gives players a new material called "Crystal."